infrared Europe
visible Europe
infrared Northern Italy
visible Northern Italy
water vapor Europe

water vapor Northern Italy

INFRARED IMAGE – it represents an estimate of the temperature of the top of the cloud. The lower clouds, and therefore warmer, are represented in lighter colors; the higher ones, and therefore colder, in darker colors.
IMAGE IN THE VISIBLE CHANNEL – it represents the intensity of solar radiation in the wavelengths visible to the human eye reflected by the clouds toward the space. In this case the brightest clouds are those more consistent.
IMAGE IN THE WATER VAPOR CHANNEL – it is an estimate of the water vapor content in the atmospheric column. The brightest areas are those with higher values and vice versa.
IMAGE IN THE VISIBLE CHANNEL – it represents the intensity of solar radiation in the wavelengths visible to the human eye reflected by the clouds toward the space. In this case the brightest clouds are those more consistent.
IMAGE IN THE WATER VAPOR CHANNEL – it is an estimate of the water vapor content in the atmospheric column. The brightest areas are those with higher values and vice versa.